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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateFebruary 13, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaPersonal Development
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

For too long, tax seasons have been robbing accountants of sleep, joy, selfcare, and time with loved ones.
Don’t be that accountant! With the tips and tools Andrew and Terri provide, you’ll be well equipped to thrive during this tax season.
Andrew and Terri both know first-hand how little free time is available during tax season and they know that implementing their fast, easy strategies can make all the difference each and every day.
In this class, you’ll discover how to increase your energy, mental clarity, and focus AND improve your sleep.
Andrew will also reveal how to improve your performance and value to your clients as well as how to rejuvenate and reenergize in just seconds. By breaking free from limiting beliefs, you can free up mental space and energy to become more effective and productive without working more.
And here’s a sample of what Terri’s Top 10 Health Tips can help you do:
• Avoid the after-tax season bulge
• Stay connected to your family
• Increase your fun level
• Reduce stress and pain
• Optimize your digestive system
Don’t get overwhelmed this tax season! If you treat your body, mind, and spirit well, they’ll reward you with better stress adaptation and mental acuity AND you’ll be better able to ward off colds and flu to become the top
performer you want to be.

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After a successful 30-year career as a CPA, Terri had an “ah-ha” moment while driving cross country. Having recovered her own health with nutrition and lifestyle, she set out to help others.

With a master’s degree in human nutrition and functional medicine and years of experience as a national trainer and presenter, Terri shares powerful lessons from personal experience, research, education, and clinical expertise to help clients go from feeling sick and tired to alive and inspired.


Andrew Averett, CPA

CPA Life Coach
Business Consultant and Life Coach
[email protected]
(801) 988-9500

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After years in the accounting industry, observing universal challenges, Andrew set out to make a difference, starting with the most important piece – the accountants themselves! He empowers accountants to become self-aware, manage themselves, and transform their internal world to create lasting external changes and results.

Passionate in all areas of his life, Andrew knows that amazing things in life don’t just happen by chance and advises accountants, “Don’t be content to just survive – take charge and THRIVE!”

About Our Presenter

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After a successful 30-year career as a CPA, Terri had an “ah-ha” moment while driving cross country. Having recovered her own health with nutrition and lifestyle, she set out to help others.

With a master’s degree in human nutrition and functional medicine and years of experience as a national trainer and presenter, Terri shares powerful lessons from personal experience, research, education, and clinical expertise to help clients go from feeling sick and tired to alive and inspired.