In most accounting practices, getting paid promptly is an ongoing hassle and badgering existing clients for past due bills is what we all hate to do.
Rather than accepting this, learn what proactive steps you should be taking and what tools savvy accounting firms are using to process payments quicker, less expensively and have more control over accounts receivable. A 10 step practical guide to getting paid faster will be presented.
This will be especially valuable considering tax season and other looming deadlines throughout the year. This webinar will be instructed by a practicing accountant, Allan Ratafia. Learn what changes Allan has made in his accounting practice to improve cash flow and why he is so excited about this content and the payment processing tool called BizPayO.
At the end of this session, there will be a demonstration of BizPayO, developed specifically for ease and low cost of getting paid.
Methods to get paid faster and less expensively
Ways to gain total control over your accounts receivable, and reduce its balance
Top 10 practical tips to improve the way you are getting paid
Clifton, MD
"All business owners would love to get paid faster. I learned some techniques that I will apply immediately - i.e. getting paid before the work is done, sending billings by email - with followup email if no response - looking hard at what your client does (business-wise) and making sure the client knows that you will provide top-notch service and you expect prompt payment."Sharon, IL
"Awesome information. I will be contacting the company for further information. I had started using some of the suggestions before this webinar, however, I will be expanding my use of all of the suggestions. Also, I had never really received good information on how to choose clients, so that information is very useful. That could probably be a class in itself. Thanks!"Desmond, AK
"The Boosting Cash Flow Webinar presents in an easy 'How to ..." approach (including demo!) practical and uncomplicated processes (using latest technology) to get paid paid earlier in a business-focused, easy to understand and appreciate manner."Todd, NJ
"Allan did an exceptional job presenting Cash Flow improvements which can be used by many companies, even though his focus was on CPA firms. He was very enthusiastic about the subject matter which made the course very enjoyable."Helen, NV
"This webinar was an eye opener for me in regards to faster collection policies I should have and the options. Also I didn't even think of professional image it mentioned. It was great and I am glad I took this webinar."Liz, VA
"I did enjoy the webinar ---- It gave me an idea of how I can possibly get smaller Government Contractors to pay for their services/products before the product is completed through email link to payment."Brian, CA
"Alan you did a great job on this webinar - I have a way to craft a plan for better payment timing and reducing receivables. Thanks for making it easy to get a handle on improving my business this way."Mario, CA
"The seminar was excellent, not only does it give you wording on how to collect but it also breaks down the cost of collecting using different methods! Outstanding information!"
Build Your Firm
(888) 999-9800
Allan is a Price Waterhouse & Co. alum. In 1993, he started his own accounting firm, Ratafia & Co., CPAs, PC. In the late 1990’s, Allan developed a unique marketing and practice management system to efficiently manage the work flow so he could keep his staffing needs to a minimum and realize higher hourly fees. In 2003, Allan co-founded Build Your Firm. Allan’s practice development system enabled him to build his own practice into a highly successful firm with hundreds of clients. The net result is that his practice runs efficiently (generates more than $300k in fees per full-time staff), they never work nights or weekends, and operates with profit margins more than twice the industry standard (higher than 70%). Today, Allan oversees his accounting practice, teaches his practice development system to thousands of accountants each year, plays softball and football recreationally, enjoys skiing in Vermont and takes several weeks of vacation each year.