Many TaxCoach members report that giving seminars is their biggest source of new leads. This course teaches you how to make the most of TaxCoach’s™ seminar kits. You’ll learn how to give successful seminars that establish your credibility and motivate clients to do business now.
Over the past 9 years, the TaxCoach community has grown to include over 500 tax and finance professionals from across the country. From weekly member call-ins to national masterminding conferences, we’ve learned from our members’ successes the most effective ways to get the clients we want and we will show you how.
The single most effective way to assemble a seminar audience
How to position yourself for maximum authority and credibility
Understand the three “must-have” elements for a successful seminar – and which one counts the most
The one thing you must do to convert audiences into clients
Nicole, PA
"As an accounting professional I have always considered conducting seminars but did not know how to go about it. Mr. Lyon's seminar was great. He spoke with great knowledge on the subject. He has given me ideas on how to conduct my seminar and how to get the attention of a meeting planner. I have never heard of a one sheet, now I know how to effectively use one."Stephen, MT
"I don't want to put the air hose to the Schrader valve on Ed's ego, but he did a superb job of explaining audience psychology as it relates to why a presenter would say/ do something in a particular way in order to motivate the audience to comply with a request (set an appointment, for example)."Jim, OH
"Webinar was one of the best! So much great information! I wish I would have participated in a seminar like this years ago. Edward brought so much experience and knowledge to us that will help a terrified public speaker like me to gather some confidence and get out and "Do It!""Ericka, TN
"This is a great seminar!! I am very motivated to get out in front of more audiences and sell my services. Priceless information that will help me improve my income and increase my reach to new audiences. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I needed this today."HOWARD, DE
"I've long considered my public speaking talent and skill a unique personal asset and have long relied on seminars as part of my practice marketing strategy. This webinar will enable me to hone those skills finer and it was quite valuable to me."Irina, CA
"Very valuable information! I am actually going to change my entire marketing approach and focus on two specific groups of clients: financial advisors and fitness professionals. Thank you so much for opening my eyes!"David, FL
"I have conducted dozens of seminars and did not expect to learn anything useful from the webinar but I was pleasantly surprised to learn several things I can't wait to try out."Lisa Johnson, OH
"I have thought about doing seminars for quite a while, but have a fear of appearing in front of people. This webinar gives me a little more incentive to make the leap."
TaxCoach System
Chief Tax Strategist
(513) 321-2820
Edward A. Lyon is an authority on tax-strategy planning as well as small business building best practices. He has coached over 2,000 tax practice owners on how to build their businesses and has written five books in addition to appearing on over 300 television, radio, and internet broadcasts, including CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, and CNBC.